Katie Jackson of The Thymes, a Minnesota-based bath and body product line, recently sent out an e-mail suggesting how to promote a fragrance that was recently re-introduced.  “Create an outpost display. Feature Mandarin Coriander away from your other Thymes Bath & Body product and highlight it on its own display fixture. Highlighting a specific collection in this way will draw attention and show customers that you have something new to offer.”

What is an “outpost” display? The term originally meant a detachment of troops stationed at a distance from a main force to guard against surprise attacks, and now it also refers to a small military base established in another country.  It’s not often that retailing takes on a military term — but in this case, the idea is to create a free-standing display that will attract a “surprise attack” by eager customers!

Here are Katie’s suggestions for making the Mandarin Coriander outpost effective: “Make it Eye-Catching! The Mandarin Coriander collection looks best when it is massed-out with product. Cross merchandise with other spring accessories from your store like pots of grass or flowers to add dimension and height. Mix in coordinating dinnerware and dishtowels to highlight the collection’s home care items.”

Do you have an area in your store that you can use as an outpost, changing the featured product from time to time? Try to select a fixture for this area that is flexible, with shelves varying heights — or better yet, shelves that are adjustable.  Many stores use a small table or cubes close to their entrance for an outpost displays.  If you try this approach, be sure to add risers to vary the height of the display.

A changing outpost display will help make your store look fresh and inviting every time a repeat customer stops in.  Create some excitement about a line by featuring it for a limited amount of time, and see how it sells!

Happy Retailing,

Carol “Orange” Schroeder