April 25, 2016 It’s not easy being an independent retailer these days, and one key to success may be to take the emphasis off the work “independent”. To paraphrase the Beatles, we do better when we “get by with a little help from our friends.” There are five key partnerships that can help your shop survive and thrive: 1. Your Staff – they are often the front line, working day in and day out to provide great customer service. Be sure to see their input frequently, and to give them meaningful responsibility in the store’s operation. Positive feedback and the best compensation you can afford is also important. 2. Your Customers – how often do you seek their feedback about your production selection? If you aren’t meeting their needs, your sales will suffer. 3. Your Sales Reps – I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to place orders through sales reps so that the rep system will survive. We depend on reps for current product information, merchandising suggestions, and even demos and staff training. 4. Your Vendors – where else will you find the products you need to stock your store? Give them your feedback about what you are looking for so that they can adjust their merchandise to fit retailers needs. 5. Your Business Neighbors – it’s so important to cooperate with the other shops and restaurants in your area to draw more customers. Foot traffic is key to competing with internet sales, and the Buy Local message is one that is best spread as a group. It’s easy to become isolated, and even discouraged, as a small business owner. Don’t try to go it alone when there are partners who want to help you succeed. Happy Retailing, Carol “Orange” Schroeder