Who wants to be a Millionaire? I must admit that the hyperbole in the title of Joanna “Jody” Bradshaw’s book Be a Millionaire Shopkeeper put me off a bit, because those of us who have been independent retailers for years know that achieving millionaire status is fairly unlikely.  But her subtitle, How Your Independent Shop… Read More

The Windy City is the home base of a new company aiming to provide small shops with the opportunity to do e-commerce with ease. About 180 locally-owned stores in the Chicago area have signed on with Walk.by  app since its launch in August, 2012, and the firm hopes to expand to other communities soon. Walk.by… Read More

Promoting Facebook Posts Facebook is a great way to get the word out to your customers about a new product, a special event, or a clever idea. But as you know, only a fraction of those who have “liked” your business actually see what you post. Facebook uses a complicated algorithm to calculate who sees… Read More

Do you know the term “onboarding?" This business buzzword refers to the process of helping new employees acquire the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors necessary to become effective members of your staff.  Another term for onboarding is organizational socialization, and it is this integrating of a new employee into the social aspects of your business… Read More

Looking for an original way to display jewelry, a fresh window idea — or perhaps inspiration for a remake of your storefront or sign? You can find all this and more by following the countless B2B (business to business) boards on Pinterest. As you know if you are already on Pinterest, it is easy to… Read More

Owning a pushcart was once the natural way to get into retailing — in fact, on the lower east side of New York in 1930 there were 47,000 families depending on the earnings made from selling merchandise this way, according to an article by Suzanne Wasserman. Some of these peddlers ended up opening “indoor” stores… Read More

Visual merchandising has come a long way from the early days, when the invention of plate glass inspired shopkeepers to use their new, large windows to show one of every item in the store. Today’s windows, especially those by the chain Anthropologie, go to the opposite extreme — featuring only one or two pieces of… Read More

‘Show appreciation to those who make your business possible: your employees.’  This is the lead-off slogan for a 2013 campaign entitled A Thankful Life being spearheaded by the Seattle-based gift and stationery vendor Compendium. The company’s goal is to inspire the writing of 1 million thank you notes, and they suggest that you start by… Read More

Good news for American manufacturing (and American jobs): Trendwatching predicts that “again made here” will be one of the top 10 Trends for 2013. They quote a recent statistic from Perception Research which shows that “Four out of five US shoppers notice "Made in the USA" claims and labels, and are more likely to purchase… Read More

As you head off to the gift shows in January, you will be looking for new products that will get your customers excited and in a buying mood.  Hopefully the steadily recovering economy will mean lots of product introductions by existing suppliers, and perhaps even some new vendors. Even if you have enough lines to… Read More